(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions:

How do online classes work?

“Our courses are exclusively online, accessible through our virtual campus. Each course  features a mix of videos, reading and writing assignments in the form of essays centered around the course’s selected book (s). Designed as 90-day independent studies, our courses offer the flexibility to finish earlier. Should you need extra time, extensions are always available, making the learning experience self-paced.”

What technology will I need?

“Our courses are delivered via Thinkific, an online course platform compatible with most computers, tablets, and smartphones.” “Not tech-savvy? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you every step of the way.”

How flexible is the class schedule?

“Our courses are designed for complete flexibility, structured as 90-day independent studies to accommodate your schedule. Available 24/7, you have unfettered access to your courses anytime, anywhere. With our online format, we’re open year-round, allowing you to continue your studies through the summer and holidays without interruption.”

Are the books included in your programs? If not are they expensive?

“Books are not included with our programs. However, most required texts are available as downloadable digital books with a built-in reader on our platform. Additionally, there are links to purchase printed versions from Amazon, where many of the books are available used at a minimal cost.”

How long will it take to complete my degree?

“Starting a program without any transfer credits, learners can expect to complete a Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in approximately 2 years, and a Doctorate Degree in about 3 years.”

Are there any campus requirements?

“Our school is entirely virtual, with no physical campus, which means there are no on-site requirements. Students from all over the world can pursue their studies completely online and are not required to attend any in-person classes or a physical graduation ceremony.”

Is AMES Christian University accredited?

“AMES Christian University is authorized to operate and award degrees by the Florida State Board of Independent Education. As with all legitimate academic institutions, our degrees are conferred under the oversight of a recognized regulatory body—in our case, the Board of Independent Education. We are a non-profit private school, focusing exclusively on non-secular programs and degrees.”

Is AMES Christian University affiliated with any denomination?

“No. We serve purposefully as a non-denominational spirit-filled institution.”